Get a Grip on Kubernetes

Setup Setting up a Kubernetes cluster can be a daunting task when doing it manually. Although it’s helpful for beginners to use scripts like (for K8s 1.3) or kubeadm (for K8s 1.4), they have their limits if you want to build up something that meets productive requirements like load…

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Erasmus MMXVI: Timeless

Erasmus MMXVI

Reading Swiss periodicals is always rewarding: Basel’s Historisches Museum has elected a font created by typographer Katharina Wolff as winning contestant in a typography competition. The winner is a beautiful Renaissance-style Antiqua font “whose capitals recall the Capitalis Monumentalis of Ancient Rome, while the lower case letters are modelled on…

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I sometimes wonder what people outside of Germany are thinking about us. The other day I got aware of this article on a Canadian news portal quoting German officials who ask for not urinating against Ulm Minster church any longer. Ulm Minster, by the way, is one of the tallest…

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Ansible: Two Errors, One Cause

Learning something new can be a frustrating experience, especially when you are running into errors without knowing how to solve them, because you haven’t reached the necessary level of background knowledge. You start googling; there are people like you who encountered the exact same error situation, but then the discussion…

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BitchX On a Mac With The Right Font

BitchX screenshot

I’ve fiddled around with BitchX on my Mac the other day, and one question that came up was: how can I display all characters correctly?Google says this question is asked once in a decade, so I’m happyto give an answer for2016. Installing BitchX is easy: brew install bitchx, but starting it in…

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Enlightenment By Crayon

Spotted at the station kiosk: ‘Zen – the color book’. Sure. No text, black-and-white drawings of gold fishes (sorry, I mean: kois, of course) and you’ve got plenty of zen for painting in. This even beats ‘Zen in 30 hours’.

Vintage Pack

Ah, springtime! Life is coming back, so do allergies, everybody’s busy cleaning the house, and so did I: there’s a lot of stuff I’ve found in the attic, some of it might even be useful to the one or other. I’ve brushed off the dust and put the findingsin a…

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