Erasmus MMXVI: Timeless

Erasmus MMXVI

Erasmus MMXVI

Reading Swiss periodicals is always rewarding: Basel’s Historisches Museum has elected a font created by typographer Katharina Wolff as winning contestant in a typography competition. The winner is a beautiful Renaissance-style Antiqua font “whose capitals recall the Capitalis Monumentalis of Ancient Rome, while the lower case letters are modelled on early Italian printed matter” (full text and interview – worth reading). The font is available for free: see links at the end of the linked text or use this link.

About Manfred Berndtgen

Manfred Berndtgen, maintainer of this site, is a part-time researcher with enough spare time for doing useless things and sharing them with the rest of the world. His main photographic subjects are made of plants or stones, and since he's learning Haskell everything seems functional to him.