gradle / proxy / cntlm

I didn’t find really hot information when googling for ‘gradle’ and ‘ntlm proxy’. There are only bits of information about running gradle behind a corporate proxy, especially when this proxy is using NTLM-v2. The official documentation treats the problem short and crisp, but if gradle still complains about something like

Could not GET ‘…
and you’re using cntlm as your proxy then this command line might be helpful:

gradle test -DproxySet=true -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=3128

(assuming you are on a Linux box with cntlm installed, using default values for proxy name and port). Note the “https” settings. Missing downloads were loaded successfully with these settings. You also might put additional configs in your with respective https entries:

About Manfred Berndtgen

Manfred Berndtgen, maintainer of this site, is a part-time researcher with enough spare time for doing useless things and sharing them with the rest of the world. His main photographic subjects are made of plants or stones, and since he's learning Haskell everything seems functional to him.